canary and hedge
canary and hedge
canary and hedge

our mission

Essential Brand Protections for Original Creators

Our mission is to provide seamless guidance and intelligent counsel to startups and established brands, empowering them to legally safeguard their businesses and creative content.  By helping creators and independent professionals level up and build a hedge of protection around their intellectual property assets, we aim to promote innovation and creativity in the marketplace.

We Believe

Original creators

deserve the spotlight

Your brand

is the soul of your work

Great brand design

needs legal protection

Legal counsel should

significant, but simple

our brand story

Canary / Joy, Freedom,

Intellectual Development

Hedge / Protection,

Boundaries from threat

of Imitation and Theft

Our creative brand name takes inspiration from our mission. The Canary represents joy, freedom, and intellectual development. A Hedge signifies boundaries that protect from outside threats. We aim to protect what you create so you can have the security and freedom to develop your brand without threat of imitation or theft.

Take the next step to strengthen your brand and book an initial consultation